What began as a group of people connecting over their lived experience for support, has turned into a committee and volunteer group of dedicated people from the Busselton community who have worked tirelessly to use their own lived experiences for good. 

We know that clinical or emergency department preventions or interventions don’t suit everyone. We have sourced trainings for our volunteers that encourage a peer-support approach. 

Listening. Holding space. Connecting. 

When you walk through the door you can expect a warm, welcoming greeting, with your time there being spent however you wish. Puzzles, games, colouring-in, mindfulness, chatting, reading, sitting in silence or cups of tea. We will support you. 

Our space is very relaxed and can cater to all needs. 

We believe that each person is the expert in their own lives and we give you space to tell us how you best receive support. 


Busselton Community Safe Space is led by suicide prevention peer volunteers with their own lived experience of crisis, who can connect with others through the mutual understanding that comes with meaningful shared experience.


No. We welcome anyone, at any age. 

Absolutely. However you want to make this comfortable for you is great. They don’t have to stay with you for thw whole time, it’s up to you. If there’s anything you don’t want to disclose in front of your support person we can ask them to come back after a while. 

No. Being a walk-in space, there’s no need for an appointment, and because we are open and free to everyone, there’s no need for a referral. 

If you have been supported by our volunteers to manage your distress but are still feeling like you are unsafe, we can have a discussion about supporting you to go to hospital. We will explore all your options for safety before we consider hospital and respect your wishes above all. If you have harmed yourself or are unwell, we may ask an ambulance to attend to make sure you receive appropriate medical attention.

We don’t have forms for you to fill in. Everything you discuss with our volunteers at Safe Space is confidential. We will not share your information with anyone else without your consent. We use some of your non-identifying details to ensure we are accessible to all and to improve our service. If you have any concerns about how your information will be used, a volunteer can talk you through this at any time. You may also choose to remain anonymous by not telling us your name or using an alias.

Our staff have a wide range of lived experience, some of which may match closely with your story and some which may be very different. As a group we have shared our lived experiences to help one another broaden their understanding and be able to support other through more experiences. Also, we can all connect on a shared understanding of what it’s like to feel distressed and a shared hope of moving toward wellness.

No, we don’t. But we can provide information of local supports that would be suitable for you, as well as many other services. You can also find our list of supports in our “Resources” page. 

We aren’t. Quite simply, we are people that have been through difficult experiences like you, who have undertaken training to be able to help support people. If you feel like you need more ongoing support we can link you with local supports who would be appropriate. 

Our core values-

Our Partners & Sponsors

Kai Fella Foundation- partner in suicide prevention